Reconciliation Process Guidelines

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Introduction to SNUHI's Reconciliation Process Guidelines

Reconciliation Process.

The ID Reconciliation process at Snuhi ensures accurate identification and fair compensation of survey participants. This process identifies discrepancies between survey completions and recorded data, ensuring that only valid, high-quality responses are compensated.

1. Purpose of Reconciliation:

Reconciliation helps to align completed surveys with the payment and invoicing records. This process reviews completion data, identifying invalid or fraudulent entries and preventing false submissions. Snuhi performs regular reconciliations, with new suppliers undergoing Net30 cycles during the Test Launch and Net45 cycles in Full Launch.

2. Quality Assurance and Verification:

Snuhi employs multiple layers of verification, such as IP validation, device fingerprinting, and duplicate entry detection, to ensure all completions are from genuine users. By restricting access from flagged IP addresses and non-incentivized traffic, Snuhi can maintain an environment of data integrity and trust. Additionally, the reconciliation process screens for completion anomalies, such as rapid responses or duplicated entries.

3. Reconciliation Timeline:

During the Test Launch phase, reconciliation happens weekly, ensuring any issues are promptly addressed. Once a supplier moves to Full Launch, reconciliation shifts to a biweekly schedule, allowing for a thorough review of survey performance while maintaining prompt feedback and invoicing.

4. Payment and Chargeback Policy:

Payment terms for both launch phases are Net60. In case of chargebacks, Snuhi identifies invalid completions through the reconciliation process and applies adjustments as necessary. This policy promotes fair compensation for valid responses while ensuring data accuracy and protecting against fraudulent activities.

5. Reconciliation Reporting:

Suppliers receive detailed reports during each reconciliation cycle. These reports provide insights into completion quality, discrepancies, and any necessary chargebacks, helping suppliers understand and improve their performance on the Snuhi's platform.

By conducting consistent ID reconciliation, Snuhi ensures reliable survey data, contributing to trustworthy insights and client satisfaction.

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